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join the nest egg society and leave a legacy for wildlife

The Nest Egg is Center for Wildlife's endowment. It ensures a sustainable future for wildlife for generations to come. The Nest Egg Society is a special group of wildlife lovers like yourself who include Center for Wildlife in their estate plans. Members are dedicated to preserving and caring for our native species and want their personal or family legacy to be shared with a cause they love.


There are many types of planned gifts you can make, including but not limited to*:  

  • Bequests (naming Center for Wildlife in your will) 

  • Securities 

  • Charitable Lead Trusts 

  • Charitable Remainder Trusts 

  • Life Insurance Policies

  • IRA Contributions


*Whenever possible, we suggest these decisions be made in conjunction with the advice and information provided to you by your trained legal and financial professionals.



The Center for Wildlife is recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Our tax ID number is 



We are happy to answer your questions about giving to Center for Wildlife, as well as work with your legal and financial professionals to make your legacy dream a reality. For more information about Center for Wildlife's Nest Egg, or how to join the Nest Egg Society, please contact Katy Wormwood at or 207.361.1400 x107.


Thank you for your generosity and ensuring a sustainable future for wildlife!

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A properly designed planned gift can: 

  • Allow you to leave a larger gift than you could during your lifetime

  • Provide long-term income for Center for Wildlife

  • Reduce or eliminate taxes on your capital gains 

  • Generate a substantial federal income tax deduction for you

  • Eliminate or reduce your federal estate taxes

Physical Address

375 Mountain Road, Cape Neddick, ME 03902


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 620, Cape Neddick, ME 03902

Call Us

(207) 361-1400



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